The Journal of a Spiritual Seeker, Being a Part of Healing
Hello Seekers,
We find ourselves existing in such a time of crisis and, as lightworkers, we feel compelled to help and heal. But the healing must always begin within, and by healing ourselves, we help to heal the world. It can sound a bit trite if you just read the words, but I invite you to go deeper and look at how the energy of healing moves out from an individual and into the collective.
When we change our own energy through healing and through lifting ourselves up and out of our unawareness and misunderstanding, we change the energy of everything around us. So in healing ourselves, we really do help heal the world.
When I came to this journey, I was filled with dread about the state of things. That hasn’t quite gone away, but I understand a little bit more about how I’m meant to help. As you’ll read here, one of my jobs is to help people connect with those beings of Light who are ready and willing to help us heal ourselves and the Planet. Today’s message also reminds us that calling on these beings of Light — such as angels and devas — helps to bring that healing through on deeper levels than just the physical or emotional or psychological.
What are your jobs? If you don’t know yet, don’t worry, you’re probably doing a number of them already and the rest will reveal themselves to you in perfectly divine time. In the meantime, just keep seeking deeper and greater healing always.
With love and light,
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Message from the Light, Sept. 26, 2017
Healing is taking place on a planetary level. Universal also, but your main concern at this time is what is happening on this planet. What looks like destruction is really a pathway to healing, for it was once too easy for people not to care, and that is no longer the case.
Healing the Planet will take a multi-dimensional army of lightworkers who are able to benefit from each other’s experiences and integrate a framework of healing for themselves that transcends what is currently available. Bringing to the table forces from all these different dimensions will allow greater healing to take place, reaching places and spaces within your multi-dimensional selves. A framework for sharing multi-dimensional healing methods is what is needed now. This is part of what you are being called to do.
Through your connection to beings of Light from the Devic Realm, you will have access to the information you will need. These multi-dimensional beings will share and are sharing with you ways to bring healing all the way through all the dimensions in which you are currently existing, and ground that healing in the physical, in 3-D.
Healing yourself on these levels is the first step toward healing the Planet.
Repairing and rebuilding the channels by which you bring light through will enable you to communicate in ever-more abundant and expansive ways with beings of Light from other realms — including but not limited to the Devic Realm.
The Devic Realm is where you have your roots, but these channels will access cosmic help from other realms as well.
Me: How do I fit into all this?
That is not even a question that merits answer. You simply are and therefore you do and will. There is not understanding deeper than that which is simply acceptance of the light of your soul and its higher calling.
That’s all for right now. Reflect on this, let it permeate beyond the mind and into deeper places of true understanding.
Me: Thank you.
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Exercise: Begin each exercise by grounding and protecting. For more information on how, see this post.
Go within and ask the Light to help you understand how healing works on these multi-dimensional levels. When you heal, how does the Light filter through you to help the overall healing of the collective and of the planet? When you call on Arch Angels or when you sit down with the trees or plants in your garden or at the park, how does the Light filter through them to help you? If you feel so called, write or record whatever messages you receive.
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A brief note: This journal and its exercises are simply a means to help you find your own flow. There is no pressure to follow them exactly or read each and every one. It does not need to be read in order either, so if you miss one, don’t feel like you’ve failed or fallen behind. These messages are here to hold space for you as you discover and evolve within your spiritual practice.
This is the first volume of The Journal of the Spiritual Seeker, and I’m presenting it here on The Devic Connection website, serialized over the last 10 weeks of 2020, with weekly roundups via email (you can sign up in the box at the bottom of this page if you’d like to receive these.) If you’ve just arrived here and would like to start from the beginning, here’s the link to the first post.
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We all need help with clarity …
Sometimes, things come up in the healing journey that we can’t quite manage by ourselves. I’m fortunate to have people I can call on to help me gain that clarity. And I’m also in therapy, which helps immensely with processing the psychological and mental health issues. If you find yourself getting stuck on this journey or having something come up that you need some guidance on, please do seek help. An internet search can help you find a qualified mental health practitioner for those psychological issues. And if you’re looking for help from the Light on the spiritual questions, I have some availability for readings. (Read more about that here.)