The Journal of a Spiritual Seeker, The Path of the Seeker
Hello Seekers,
For this journey, I encourage you to find a spot that is your own. It doesn't mean that other people can’t use your spot sometimes too, but that for the few minutes each day that you spend in this space, it is sacred to you and that those around you know that this is YOUR time and YOUR space. We all need to remember and be reminded that our own energetic space is sacred, and there are times for each of us that we need to go into that space alone so that we might pay closer attention to the messages of our souls.
When we take this time for ourselves as an act of self love, the messages can flow in peacefully and harmoniously. When we forget, that is when our soul seems to shout at us that things are discordant, disharmonious and wrong. This is when the anxiety creeps in and we can’t quite explain what is wrong, just that something is. So prioritize this time for yourself and for this journey.
Today’s message is about the Path of the Seeker — the path we all find ourselves on. Take in these words and allow them to be a catalyst for the messages of your soul to flow through. You are on your path, whether you recognize it as such or not, and your soul is speaking to you, calling you to take steps forward on your journey of discovery and self love. And the first step is to be present where you are.
I hope these words find you filled with Light and hope and love,
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Message from the Light, Sept. 25, 2017
Let go. As you become more grounded you will become more expansive as well. Your link to this Earth and the Devic Realm will keep you rooted while you reach up to the cosmos and bring through the messages of the Light.
Let go and allow this opening to take place. Feel safe and secure in the grounding you receive for it is infallible.
Don’t doubt. Even now, it creeps in and does harm to this process.
Stay open, keep opening and continue to trust your roots, for they are in Light and they will keep you in Light.
Be fearless in this process for you have nothing to fear. You are a child of Light and Light will lead your way. When you have such illumination, your path can never be a fearful one.
Keep faith, dear one. This journey will be all that you are hoping for, and more. As your understanding opens up, you will see that you will experience wonders you couldn’t have even imagined.
Be wise, for wisdom you have.
Be kind, for kindness will keep your heart continually opening.
Be thoughtful without confusing thoughtfulness with your mind.
Be considerate of the vastness of the experiences around you.
Be whatever you need to be. Without judgement or attachment. For through this, you are learning to love and value yourself. Once this process is ingrained and integrated on the deepest levels of self love, you will be able to safely share yourself with the world again, from a place of equality, healing, sacredness, peace, love, caring and beauty.
Self love is not a process, it simply is. But your opening to this place of Light within yourself is a process and can and will be completed. Already, you can feel the stirrings of love within your heart. This will continue until every limitation you’ve experienced is dissolved — safely, effortlessly and completely.
Stay grounded in the light of the Devic Realm. From this place you will amass considerable experience.
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Exercise: Begin each exercise by grounding and protecting. For more information on how, see this post.
Find a quiet place to sit for a few minutes. Get grounded and go within, asking the Light of your Soul to guide you. Either visualize or feel your path. What does it look or feel like? When you take in what’s around you, what do you notice about your surroundings? Don’t focus on what’s ahead of you, instead spend a few moments simply existing where you are right here and right now. If you feel called, write or record your experiences.
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A brief note: This journal and its exercises are simply a means to help you find your own flow. There is no pressure to follow them exactly or read each and every one. It does not need to be read in order either, so if you miss one, don’t feel like you’ve failed or fallen behind. These messages are here to hold space for you as you discover and evolve within your spiritual practice.
This is the first volume of The Journal of the Spiritual Seeker, and I’m presenting it here on The Devic Connection website, serialized over the last 10 weeks of 2020, with weekly roundups via email (you can sign up in the box at the bottom of this page if you’d like to receive these.) If you’ve just arrived here and would like to start from the beginning, here’s the link to the first post.
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We all need help with clarity …
Sometimes, things come up in the healing journey that we can’t quite manage by ourselves. I’m fortunate to have people I can call on to help me gain that clarity. And I’m also in therapy, which helps immensely with processing the psychological and mental health issues. If you find yourself getting stuck on this journey or having something come up that you need some guidance on, please do seek help. An internet search can help you find a qualified mental health practitioner for those psychological issues. And if you’re looking for help from the Light on the spiritual questions, I have some availability for readings. (Read more about that here.)