The Journal of a Spiritual Seeker, Getting Out of the Way of Growth
Hello Seekers,
Surrender can be a very triggering word for some people. It can inspire a deep psychological rebellion against giving up our control. As we understand surrender on a deeper level, however, we begin to see the energy unfold and clarity can move into the space that’s being created. Surrender is an active state, which is the first key to unlocking the misunderstanding that exists around this word. It requires awareness and dedication. It is not “giving up,” as some would have us believe. It is acceptance, and through acceptance, a different perspective. From that different perspective, we can see the choices we have, where perhaps we’d previously felt we had none.
Control is an illusion we build to feel secure, but it can also be an intense source of pain. As my body began to function less and less the way that our norms would consider functional, I saw the illusion of control dissolving around me. I had very little control over anything — even my own body. However, I did have the ability to look within and I found my attitude around the whole thing shifting as I did. By surrendering the illusion, I achieved more clarity and understanding and context within my own experience.
Surrender is also a state inherent in unconditional love, for when we surrender our misunderstanding around “control,” we have space to allow people their own autonomy. Isn’t it interesting that the fear of losing our own autonomy can be so closely linked to a desire to control other people? Even if we feel we’re exerting our influence “in their best interest” or because we believe we can “save” someone, we can find ourselves guilty of trying to infringe on their sovereignty. This is never in balance.
Weakness is another illusion that is wrapped up in the misunderstanding of surrender. Sometimes, the strongest thing we can do is remove ourselves from a toxic situation. This is a type of surrender, because we are accepting that the situation is not under our control, nor are the people involved. We can recognize and be grateful for the lessons we’ve learned, and release the situation and the people involved in light and love. And move on.
When you look at your life, what circumstances allow you to better understand the energy of the word surrender? Wrap yourself in Light and love, and be gentle with yourself as you explore these depths.
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Message from the Light, Nov. 30, 2017
Me: I’m feeling exhausted and overwhelmed right now — what can The Light tell me about this?
You are running around trying to do everything still in an effort to make everything okay. Stop doing this. It is an old pattern and is keeping you from the real work you are here to do. Besides which, you are not actually making anything okay by doing this. You’re preventing a whole lot of growth from happening. Get out of the way and allow things to be what they need to be.
Find peace in this type of surrender. It is not up to you to save anyone or anything. So let go and become impervious to outside energies. It is not necessary for you to feel them in order to do what you are here to do. You will still be able to access information through higher frequencies of light without allowing yourself to become dragged down by lower frequencies. This process does not require you to go into those lower frequencies in order to understand because you’ve already experienced that, in this lifetime and others. Access to the information you need will be available when you need it. Release into the Light all that you are carrying now. Allow your heart to open to these higher and higher frequencies of light.
Imbalance is still a struggle, but fighting against it is not the way forward for you. Surrendering and allowing the balance to happen naturally and organically is the key. Do the things you know will help, but also step out of the way. Do not try to control the process too much. Neutrality is the universal order of things, so if you allow yourself to return to this natural order, you will. It is not a forceful process, but instead one of surrender.
Struggle is overrated in your society. It is unnecessary and limiting. Do not fight against what you are feeling and experiencing. Allow space for these experiences. They are showing you how and what needs to take place in order for you to be in balance. It is a dynamic process as your teacher says, so constant checking and rechecking is required. Allow this function to just happen — like breathing it will become something that takes place underneath everything else.
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Exercise: Begin each exercise by grounding and protecting. For more information on how, see this post.
When you tune into the energy of surrender, in the sense of the word as the Light uses it here, what deepening understanding can you gain? Does this word trigger you? If so, ask yourself why. What answers can you find? Allow yourself the space to explore this energy of surrender and then, if you feel called, write down or record your reflections. End this exercise as you began, by grounding and protecting yourself in Light.
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A brief note: This journal and its exercises are simply a means to help you find your own flow. There is no pressure to follow them exactly or read each and every one. It does not need to be read in order either, so if you miss one, don’t feel like you’ve failed or fallen behind. These messages are here to hold space for you as you discover and evolve within your spiritual practice.
This is the first volume of The Journal of the Spiritual Seeker, and I’m presenting it here on The Devic Connection website, serialized over the last 10 weeks of 2020, with weekly roundups via email (you can sign up in the box at the bottom of this page if you’d like to receive these.) If you’ve just arrived here and would like to start from the beginning, here’s the link to the first post.
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We all need help with clarity …
Sometimes, things come up in the healing journey that we can’t quite manage by ourselves. I’m fortunate to have people I can call on to help me gain that clarity. And I’m also in therapy, which helps immensely with processing the psychological and mental health issues. If you find yourself getting stuck on this journey or having something come up that you need some guidance on, please do seek help. An internet search can help you find a qualified mental health practitioner for those psychological issues. And if you’re looking for help from the Light on the spiritual questions, I have some availability for readings. (Read more about that here.)