The Journal of a Spiritual Seeker, Balancing the Light and Love We Share
Hello Seekers,
How we love one another has to be one of the biggest lessons we’re all here to learn. It’s really difficult to love unconditionally, often because we’re caught up in so many judgements that ultimately boil down to how we feel about ourselves. But when we open our hearts to the flow of Light, compassion and gratitude move into that space, and a presence that is unconditional love can flow through.
I’ve talked a bit in recent weeks about how my relationships were changing as I was working to heal and deepening my connection to the Light. At times, it felt like I didn’t know how to relate to the people around me anymore. My therapist has pointed out that this is true with psychological healing as well as spiritual healing, and that people who have gone into therapy often find they aren’t in synch with the people around them anymore. Learning that this is okay was a big part of this journey.
As time has gone on, most of my relationships have recalibrated, and I’ve come to understand more and more how to communicate in kind, loving and balanced ways with those I love. But it took a commitment to expanding my awareness to get there, and a commitment to following the guidance the Light was providing.
How are things shifting for you as you continue on your journey? And how has that shifting changed your connections with others?
Sending Love and Light to you all,
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Message from the Light, Nov. 24, 2017
You are exhausted physically and spiritually and emotionally from running around trying to make everyone else’s world right.
Focus within, for here is the only world you have the power to change.
Allow yourself to heal, and in healing to detach from the need to fix everything for everyone. Allow them to have their own experiences, learn and grow at their own pace and generally live their own lives and balance their own karmas. Do not deny them their opportunities to learn and grow in this way. You have done these things in past cycles and learned your lessons and experienced growth.
This third chakra work is helping you balance some of this need for people to depend on you for their well-being. You must stand independent from others, solid and sacred in your own space. You require strength of purpose, which is bringing Light through in all things.
The third chakra is where a lot of your anxiety lives. Balancing and harmonizing this chakra will help you come more into balance and help you be adaptable in all circumstances. This is the place from which — combined with the love and compassion from the heart chakra — you will know how to be present in Light with people in the ways that will most benefit you both. This chakra will also allow you to be open AND grounded in the flow of the universe. It’s like the tether that connects the lower chakra functions and higher chakra functions so that you can bring light all the way through into 3-D. Balancing this chakra is going to help you feel more grounded, more able, and more adaptable in all things.
Me: How can I continue to release attachment to things other people say and do?
By practicing. Watch and notice your reactions and when you feel negativity, drop it and rise up into higher frequencies. When you start to complain about people, stop as soon as you notice what you are doing.
Me: Why do I get caught up in an obsessive loop when I think of certain situations?
Because you want to bring everyone along with you on some level, and you see there is a gap widening between you. This just is. Don’t spend any of your energy on obsessing over it now. Drop this, move on. Notice, pay attention and break the cycle. It will be better energetically for everyone involved.
Me: Why do my relationships involve so much pain and sadness right now? What is the root of this for me?
You’re getting ready to move on, beyond basic emotional concerns, and this shift comes with some pain and loss when viewed through your currently limited understanding of it. Release these attachments. Allow yourself to move into ever increasing higher frequencies of light and you will gain an understanding on a deeper level that the light and love you share is permanent.
You are learning a lot about unconditional love through this process from the people closest to you and you love them so much. They are the best able to teach you this lesson. Love them, unconditionally, where they are now, without judgement. Allow them space to experience their lessons. Release any attachment to their outcome.
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Exercise: Begin each exercise by grounding and protecting. For more information on how, see this post.
Take a few minutes at the end of each day for a week — no more than 5-10, this is not a time for dwelling — to reflect on the interactions you had with others that day. Jot down a few notes as you do. You can ask yourself these questions if they help: What can you notice about how these interactions made you feel? Is there anything you’re learning about how you relate to other people? Are there any changes taking place in your communications or interactions? How are you handling those changes? How are you giving other people the space they need to handle those changes?
Be sure to do your grounding exercise afterward, and ask Arch Angel Michael to cut any and all cords between you and other people on every level, dimension, plane, existence, in all lifetimes and timelines. Then ask Arch Angels Gabriel, Uriel and Rafael to fill in with golden white and rose-colored light any and all places and spaces that had been occupied by those cords, on every level, dimension, plane, existence, in all lifetimes and timelines.
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A brief note: This journal and its exercises are simply a means to help you find your own flow. There is no pressure to follow them exactly or read each and every one. It does not need to be read in order either, so if you miss one, don’t feel like you’ve failed or fallen behind. These messages are here to hold space for you as you discover and evolve within your spiritual practice.
This is the first volume of The Journal of the Spiritual Seeker, and I’m presenting it here on The Devic Connection website, serialized over the last 10 weeks of 2020, with weekly roundups via email (you can sign up in the box at the bottom of this page if you’d like to receive these.) If you’ve just arrived here and would like to start from the beginning, here’s the link to the first post.
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We all need help with clarity …
Sometimes, things come up in the healing journey that we can’t quite manage by ourselves. I’m fortunate to have people I can call on to help me gain that clarity. And I’m also in therapy, which helps immensely with processing the psychological and mental health issues. If you find yourself getting stuck on this journey or having something come up that you need some guidance on, please do seek help. An internet search can help you find a qualified mental health practitioner for those psychological issues. And if you’re looking for help from the Light on the spiritual questions, I have some availability for readings. (Read more about that here.)