The Journal of a Spiritual Seeker, A Conversation about Shifting and Useful Distractions
Hello Seekers,
This is a longer post, so I’ll leave my note here as short as I can. The first part is maybe more useful as a message, and talks about how distractions can be useful and what we can learn from them. The second part is a bit of a Q and A that I’ll leave here in case it helps to see some of the ways I’ve worked through some of my own resistance with the help and guidance of the Light.
My resistance comes up most often when I get specific information about the state of things, and here in this post, the Light talks about a battle taking place for the soul of humanity — a theme that repeats itself for me. I still feel a bit uncomfortable bringing up in this space even though I think you need only look around at what is happening in this world to feel the truth of this battle.
There is evidence of Light everywhere, and we need to keep looking for it. But there is also so much evidence of darkness, and we need to remain aware of that as well. Some people feel they are light workers, and others identify more as light warriors — however you see yourself, the work is clear. We must bring through as much Light as we can, because the state of things is objectively pretty terrible. People are suffering everywhere, and the more we abuse this planet, the more people will continue to suffer. Fires and floods and pestilence and pandemics — it’s the stuff of dystopia on display all around us.
This post includes a bit of my struggle as I come to grips with what I’m meant to do and how I’m meant to help. Maybe this will inspire you to have some of the conversations with yourself and with the Light about what you’re meant to do and how you’re meant to do it?
Sending love and light,
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A Conversation with The Light, Nov. 5, 2017
Your grounding and clearing blockages in your first chakra is the last step to prepare you to bring this work through to 3-D. Some of your concerns about sharing this work are valid, and will be addressed by your inner guidance through these messages. Some of your concerns, however, are rooted in your blockages — in misunderstandings and untruths, and will simply fall away as you balance and neutralize your energetic field. Allow these things to fall away.
There are truths you know, and you waste time and energy trying to justify these things to yourself. Their justification is not needed, for they simply are, and you can just accept the knowing as a part of your being.
Me: I’m feeling unsettled and a little bit anxious. What are these energies and where are they coming from?
Your field is changing and shifting. These feelings are the natural reaction to the molecular changes taking place as you do this work. Relax into it, don’t attach to it.
You’ve become too attached to outside concerns. Your own energy and energetic field can be unshakable if you continue to do the work necessary to bring yourself into balance.
You require discipline and focus. You’re experiencing distractions because you require an energy field that is impervious to outside forces. You are capable of this kind of focus, you just need practice and you are constantly being provided opportunities for this growth.
Don’t allow the people around you to pull you off your path. Don’t allow them to pull your focus away from the task at hand. Things will become even more chaotic in this world and you are —
… I was interrupted by someone needing to talk to me …
That was better. You didn’t experience the anger and irritation that time, and that is progress. Those feelings of anger and irritation take you even farther from the Light. When these distractions come along, simply allow for the space they require, move along and through whatever is pulling your focus, and then step right back into where you were before.
Irritation was creeping in there … the people in your life are your greatest teachers, so they are going to provide you the lessons you need to grow. They are not even aware of the ways they challenge you, so embrace the lessons, accept them with light and love and maintain an inner gratitude for them. You are learning a very important lesson in this way.
The world is becoming more and more chaotic, and this level of focus you are being called to develop will be very important. You can’t shut the world off or retreat into a cave. That is not a realistic path for you at this time. So accepting distractions and developing a means for dealing with them will be much more beneficial.
Stay open to the flow. That is the key to this process. When a distraction appears, do not let it pull you out of the flow. Keep flowing. Keep moving with the current. If you are in a river, and you are the river, a rock stuck in your path will not stop your progress. You will flow around it. So too can you with distractions. These are the rocks. You are the river. Continue to flow. Ultimately the whole river continues to flow, no matter how large the rock. Every drop remains a part of the river and continues to flow in its own direction.
A little Q and A:
Me: I ask the Light, how can I clarify and define my process as a psychic to become more and more accurate?
Me: Is there a method I should employ to keep my energy up in the higher frequencies so I’m less susceptible to being distracted or thrown off?
Become increasingly aware, through practice, of when and why your energy dips. Without attachment. Simply be aware and then rise up above that space, into the higher frequencies of light where clarity exists.
Visualize yourself rising up up up above everything and into a place above the clouds that is all light. This place is impervious. From here, you an access the frequencies of light that will allow you to be accurate.
Don’t work so hard, simply allow it to happen.
From this place, you will be able to access the clarity and focus of light. You will be above the mind. You will be able to develop the discernment between the energies of truth and that of the constructs invented by your mind.
Start and continue to notice the frequencies your answers vibrate at. Allow those frequencies to continue to speed up, rising higher and higher in vibration.
Practice this.
Me: So, I’m in a hot air balloon of prismatic white light …
In this balloon of light, you just saw that you can travel in the cosmos. You don’t have to right now, but you can.
Me: What would I find if I did?
A connection to —
… Breathe through the resistance, allow the energy to expand, release these limitations you’re imposing on yourself and allow yourself to acknowledge this connection to the Light …
— The Devic Realm, which comes through to the Earth Realm as a means for sharing the Universal Light of Source between beings of Light within these two realms. There are many connections that can be made in the Light from this place and connection. With fewer limitations.
Right now you’re feeling the molecular and genetic and energetic shift that simply becoming aware of this connection is causing. Allow it. It is activating a part of your structure that will allow for these higher frequencies of light to come through you to this place, and through your connection to the Devic Realm, to directly assist the planet.
That lower frequency you felt was fear.
Allow the higher frequencies of light to dissolve and transmute that fear.
Me: Part of my fear is that of ego. A sort of voice saying, “who do you think you are, anyway?”
Who DO you think you are? This would be a good place to start. In understanding who you are, those understandings will work their way out from your soul and become part of your universal truths.
Me: So, I ask the Light, who am I?
You are a divine being of Light.
Me: This makes me spin off into uncertainty and fear. Why?
Because you’re still caught up in karmic misunderstandings and the electromagnetic charges they hold. Release these things. Transmute them — allow the Light to transmute them. Bring yourself in alignment with the Light. Now, look into yourself.
Me: I am a prismatic sphere of light.
This is the light of your soul. This is your link to divinity, to Source, to All That Is. You fear ego because you’ve seen power corrupt, and been corrupted by it in past cycles. Release the energy of that — allow the Light to transmute those charges you just felt. Move through it, because here, on the other side, you are able to take those experiences and use them to recognize truth versus untruth. You have learned discernment from these experiences. You HAVE learned focus. You have learned how to rise above the lower frequencies of 3-D concerns that serve to distract and bog down the process.
Me: Okay, I’m looking at how the energy fell for a moment there. What was that?
It’s your continued resistance. You’re still afraid of abusing power, so you’re afraid to acknowledge that you have power. These concerns become inconsequential when you are operating from a place of the highest frequencies of light. Because while the dichotomy of Light/Darkness exists, you are being called to rise above that to a place within yourself where that no longer exists. You can trust this place, trust the Light, and trust yourself, for when you are operating from the light of your soul, that dichotomy ceases to exist. The Light comes through and darkness ceases to exist.
So, now, look again at yourself. You are a Divine Being, connected through the light of your soul to All That Is. Connected to the Gods and Goddesses who have existed and continue to exist. Connected to the Spirits of Light that are doing battle right now for the soul of humanity.
Me: Okay, so my energy dropped there again. Why?
Rise up again in your hot air balloon, to a place of neutrality in Light. Read back over what was said and look, from this place of neutrality, at what you reacted to.
Me: I doubt myself. It started getting into this idea of a battle happening and I doubted my ability to know that. Why?
Because you are unsure of your accuracy, and you’re still seeking validation from outside of yourself. When you read those words again, you thought, “Of course there’s a battle taking place for the soul of humanity. The evidence of that is all around.” So you knew it as an essential truth when you read it, but as you wrote it, you doubted your own ability to be connected to that information. Stop this self doubt. You’ve received enough external affirmation to know that this connection is legitimate and authentic. Now you must develop the internal mechanism that allows you to trust your own guidance and your own connection to Source.
Me: How do I do that?
By continuing to look at the energy. By continuing to recognize the frequencies as they happen. By continuing to practice.
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Exercise: Begin each exercise by grounding and protecting. For more information on how, see this post.
Once grounded, ask yourself this series of questions: What do you find most distracting? When are you most susceptible to distractions? How do you react when you’re distracted? How does it make you feel? How do you react to becoming distracted? Once you answer these questions, sit for a moment with the answers and then ask yourself, what are the energetic imbalances underneath my reactions and my feelings? Am I responding in a balanced and grounded way to the circumstances around me? Or am I allowing myself to be pulled off my own path in every direction?
Our distractions can be such valuable teachers when we are aware of what and how and why we’re becoming distracted. And learning to remain steadfast in our grounding, on our path, and in our own flow of Light will help us all do the work we’re here to do.
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A brief note: This journal and its exercises are simply a means to help you find your own flow. There is no pressure to follow them exactly or read each and every one. It does not need to be read in order either, so if you miss one, don’t feel like you’ve failed or fallen behind. These messages are here to hold space for you as you discover and evolve within your spiritual practice.
This is the first volume of The Journal of the Spiritual Seeker, and I’m presenting it here on The Devic Connection website, serialized over the last 10 weeks of 2020, with weekly roundups via email (you can sign up in the box at the bottom of this page if you’d like to receive these.) If you’ve just arrived here and would like to start from the beginning, here’s the link to the first post.
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We all need help with clarity …
Sometimes, things come up in the healing journey that we can’t quite manage by ourselves. I’m fortunate to have people I can call on to help me gain that clarity. And I’m also in therapy, which helps immensely with processing the psychological and mental health issues. If you find yourself getting stuck on this journey or having something come up that you need some guidance on, please do seek help. An internet search can help you find a qualified mental health practitioner for those psychological issues. And if you’re looking for help from the Light on the spiritual questions, I have some availability for readings. (Read more about that here.)