Message from the Planet, April 9, 2020
Hello Friends,
Today, as I was typing up this message from the Planet, it urged me to mention also that everyone has the capacity for this work. To visualize light spreading across the world is something every single person can do. And it also wants to remind you that healing is reciprocal. As we contribute to the healing work, we receive healing as well.
I hope this message resonates with you, and that this note finds you well, wherever you are. We really are all in this together, and isolation — as real as it might be in 3-D — is only one level. On all the other levels, we are connected in oneness, and through that connection, we really can help one another in profoundly healing ways.
Love and Light,
April 9, 2020 — Message from the Planet
There is a thick, grey cloud of energy descending over humanity right now as the impact of the coronavirus becomes more and more clear to people.
Energy workers and healers need to unite to help clear these energies up for people who aren’t aware enough to do this for themselves. There is much that can be done now by people who are aware. Lend a hand, because for those who don’t have the awareness of the high frequencies of healing taking place right now, this feels like hell on Earth.
And that is the thick grey energy. It is dense enough where people can’t really see through it, so it’s obscuring their own abilities to be clear-eyed and clear-minded.
Light workers can bring healing to this collective energy by visualizing bright white light spreading through the thick fog of grey smoke and dissipating it. That simple exercise can bring a profound shift for people worldwide who are experiencing the density but are unable to contextualize what they are experiencing.
This is not the kind of fog that feels cozy on a morning by the lake, this is more akin to the thick plumes of smoke from a wildfire. In visualizing bright white light, each particle and molecule of light — each and every frequency of light — meets up with each and every particle, molecule and frequency of thick grey density and neutralizes and transmutes it.
Many people would appreciate the clarity that can come when energies like this are cleared away. People will feel shifts even if they don’t understand what they are feeling. Light workers can do a great deal right now by being aware and tuning into the collective and helping to heal these energies that are coming up.
Right now, each day is bringing its own challenges and people are shifting in and out of these different dimensional frequencies. There is so much energetic chaos as this happens that it is adding to the suffering by adding to the confusion.
Sure, people can look around and say, “of course I feel this way, it’s a pandemic,” but also there is another, deeper, multi-dimensional layer to this that makes them say, “I don’t know why I feel this way.” You (this is specifically a message to me, Jodie, as I channeled this message) said this all day yesterday, and you have a lot of awareness working in your favor. So imagine how confusing and scary these energies must feel to someone with no spiritual practice who is less aware of their connection to their inner guidance.
This is why, as light workers tune into the positive aspects and healing that is taking place right now, they cannot forget the toll this energy is taking on those who are less aware on these levels. That these energies of fear and confusion and suffering can feel just as compelling as the energies of healing, and it is essential for those who can to bring light to these places and spaces. Don’t forget others in your zeal for the healing. It is out of balance to only look at the positive energies, just as it is out of balance for those who are only able to look at the negative. Keep that in mind.
When you look at the numbers (of people who have COVID-19, and those who have died) each day, bring more awareness to the energy of the world, to each individual person represented by those statistics. And call on the Light — Divine Light/Source/Creator/God — to surround each and every person impacted by this virus, each and every person who has died that day, each and every person who is feeling fear and suffering and feeling anxious.
Those energies are real and compelling, and also the Light can help. You don’t need to know how it can help, just that it can, and it will, and it does.