Message from the Fairy Realm, April 2, 2020
Hello Friends,
When I asked today what I should share, this message came through from the Fairy Realm. There is a collective of beings of Light within that realm that are hoping to help awaken people to their connections through that realm, which is a part of the Devic Realm. People remember these energies, even if they don’t remember with their literal minds the actual connections that exist.
There are openings that exist now because of the virus for people to remember ancient knowledge, live more harmoniously with the Planet and with beings of Light who share this energetic and multi-dimensional space. And with each other too, of course! I’ve included their call to action for me at the end of this, because I get strongly that if you’re reading this, they are calling you to action as well. Let the energy of the message flow through your awareness and let the Light reach into whatever places and spaces within you it can illuminate now.
There is such a deep connection to Light and to oneness within each of us, we need only awaken our awareness for that Light to flow in ever-deepening ways into our conscious understanding.
With Light and Love,
Messages from the Fairy Realm:
Do what you can to pay attention during these times. Do not check out of allow yourself to disconnect from the awareness that is sparking in every cell of your body. This awareness is ancient and is remembered. It is not something new, but it has been dormant a long time as humans have become consumed and have consumed. There is a need to return to the hyper-local way of life — to communities that are not global, for that method was unsustainable and was not in alignment with the needs of the Earth or her people (not quite the right word. Maybe children would be better because the energy includes the animals too).
There is a global community which is real and vibrant and is very much in alignment with Light. In ancient times, those who were able shared information similarly through astral travel and telepathic communication. This was aided by beings of Light who carried these messages among people in different places. Now, the Internet exists and people are able to communicate without the spiritual depth of understanding. This is good. So much Light is shared in this way as people remember their connections to one another worldwide.
However, when it comes to concerns of the BODY, it is important people remember where they presently exist — what part of the world, what community. And that they rely on and support the energetic frameworks of their local communities. And that they feed themselves from their own yards, or from as close to where they reside as possible. The spirits of the plants (and animals if they eat animals) are stronger and more able to support the life-giving energy exchange when people eat in this way. When they have a connection to their food. This is essential to the health and wellness of the Planet and her (people or children).
This is what you can share today. This message of connection. People are awakening to this understanding right now because of what is happening with the virus. They are going to understand it more and more as the year goes on. Get going on this, it is of grave importance that people begin to prepare themselves for this shift, as opposed to being shocked by it. It is already happening, but it will become more and more insistent as the summer goes on.
Corporations don’t care who eats and who starves. They are not people, they are not structured to operate from compassion or connection. People need to reclaim their power, which has been wrested away from them and which they have given over due to convenience and being under the fog of the general anesthesia of convenience and complacence.
You have felt this shift for most of your life. You cannot continue to ignore it, nor can you continue to keep the knowledge to yourself. It is meant to be shared and you need not be concerned with how “crazy” you might sound. You have been locked up in the past and executed for these kinds of things, but that is not your current timeline — as compelling as these energies might feel. Let that go and step into this job willingly and with an understanding of your soul’s purpose on this journey.