Message from the Fairy Realm, April 12, 2020


Hello Friends,

This message from the Fairy Collective might start out feeling like a bit of a dressing down. They are a bit tired, to be honest. We humans haven’t always been the best residents of this Planet, or the best neighbors to those who are impacted by our choices. But keep reading, even if the truth about our human situation is uncomfortable, because the energy that opens up around working together with them to help heal all is so beautiful in its simplicity. Just open your eyes and open your heart, they say.

Give it a try, and see what is revealed.

Love and Light,


April 12, 2020 — Message from the Fairy Collective

We are here amongst you, fighting the good fight, as you say. There is a recognition of a common enemy at times, however, often times, humans are their own worst enemies, and ours as well. Your lack of consciousness and awareness is very harmful to all of us, and it needs to stop before there is nothing left to save.

Here is how it works: we are not affected by your viruses, those don’t penetrate the inter-dimensional space between realms — yet, at least. But we are impacted by certain chemicals, pollutants and electromagnetic frequencies. The things that harm our plant and animal friends also harm us.

This interpenetration is akin to things that break the blood-brain barrier, so you can look that up to understand the functionality, as well.

Now is a time when we should be banding together to save what we all depend on, this Planet, as she functions to support life. 

Not only are humans getting the chance too see this healing that takes place when the Planet is allowed time and space to recover, you’re also getting the chance to tune into your inner guidance and find out on deeper and more intrinsic levels how we all work together to bring that healing about. It is there, if you ask and if your intention is truly to listen. So often, humans in their arrogance ask questions and then don’t listen to the answers. Especially if they’re inconvenient. You all NEED to live different than you have been. That has been the answer for at least a half a century, but actually much, much longer. You’ve lost touch with what is happening around you. You walk around with your heads buried in your phones or books or tablets or whatever else it is you use to numb and distract, and then you fail to see the interconnectedness of all things. 


Every day, in every way, there are beings presenting themselves for communications. Birds fly by, bugs and animals scurry about, clouds move through the sky. All of these little things carry messages, but you have to be open to seeing and receiving them.

That is the beginning, and actually, the most important part of learning to work with the Fairy Realm. Open your eyes wide. Stop trying to define or determine what you’re going to see when you do, and just look and observe and pay attention. And while you do this, also open your heart, because the heart is where the translation of messages takes place. You may not speak bird, but your heart does. And if you develop a relationship with your heart that is expansive, that allows for growth and a deeper understanding on all levels, you will find those messages translate easily. And you will find that the whole world around you is connected, and it is all speaking to you of how to heal yourself, how to help heal others and how to help lend that healing energy to the collective healing of the whole planet.

That is our call to you today. Open your hearts and open your eyes and pay attention to the world around you. Even if you can’t get out right now because of the quarantine, look out the window. Or for the people who are able to take one walk a day, definitely pay attention then. 

These are extremely tricky times, but the thing about tricky times is — they raise the stakes and help you humans understand why everything you do is so important, and the impact it has on ALL OF US. And you have limitations now, so you understand more about making the most of what you have, instead of taking going outside for granted. Or taking the skies and the birds for granted.

You humans are in a time when you should take nothing for granted, because it is all balanced on a tightrope and every choice you make contributes to that balance. So make the good choices. Participate in the healing. See the opportunities you have to be a part of the collective healing flow of Light through each of you and out into the world.

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