Message from Saturn: The Beauty and Bounty of Sacrifice
Hello friends,
Speaking directly to Saturn was new for me, and I was amazed by how grounded and peaceful I felt after receiving this message from the planet whose transits are often blamed for many of our hardest times.
When I received this message, I had just finished reading “The Greatness of Saturn” by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda, a book I’d heard astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo recommend on a podcast a year or so ago. (Here’s a link to her site, she’s absolutely wonderful and her podcast is a favorite of mine). I bought the book right away, but didn’t read it until a few weeks ago when the timing was suddenly right. I dedicated the space to allowing this therapeutic myth to do its work, and learned so much and gained so much clarity and context from the communication I had with Saturn, both while reading the book and while channeling this message.
So many of my life experiences, particularly in the last seven-and-a-half years (a significant time period in the myth) have been about loss in 3-D. Loss of my health, of my career, and of my independence as I left my own home to move back in with and be cared for by my mom. And then the end-of-life energy that has been our primary focus through the last few years as we cared for and said goodbye to several beings we loved so much. It’s been a lot, but always, I understand these events as openings to greater healing and greater awareness. So many of the most beautiful experiences I’ve had in my life have only been possible because I first experienced the stripping away of things that no longer served me. What I perceived as loss at the time actually opened wide the gateways for greater expansion through love and Light.
To provide a little context for this message, Saturn speaks of my being born with him close by, and also of the ways he and Jupiter have worked together in my life. In my birth chart, Saturn is conjunct my ascendent and I was born under the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Libra in 1981. In a reading I had last summer with astrologer Adam Sommer, we chatted quite a bit about my understanding of the transformational potential of suffering and the healing that takes place through death, which he said is not surprising in someone with Saturn on the ascendent. (Here’s a link to Adam’s site. He also has a podcast that is really fun to listen to.)
These themes of loss and suffering and hardship are not easy ones to experience or explore, but they are an inevitability of the human experience, and if you can open your heart truly to the expansiveness of healing that takes place through these lessons, the Light is saying great things will unfold.
Sending you all lots of love,
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Message from Saturn, Jan. 22, 2021
Me: I spent some time this morning allowing the energy of “I am a divine being of Light” to move through me, and then I went into the Christ Light and asked Christ and Arch Angel Michael if I could talk directly to Saturn. I heard yes, so from this place:
Saturn: Do not fear me, for you were born with me close by because we have an understanding that stretches back lifetimes. You have come to understand suffering as a transmutational force over these lifetimes, and you’ve come through in this time and this place to help others understand this, as well. The need is deep for people to grasp and acclimate to the lessons they are learning in their own lives.
I am sacrifice, and because it is my job to show people what that means — to strip them of their illusions and delusions so that they might properly understand themselves — I have sacrificed the love people feel for some of my counterparts (like the Moon and Jupiter), for it is hard to love the one who has taken everything from you. However, you understand with a clarity many people don’t, what beauty and bounty comes from the sacrifice and the potential of what can be gained spiritually from the suffering. You need to remember this part as you deal with your feelings around your own healing of trauma and the people who caused you trauma, for they have been very Saturnian influences in your life — allow that healing to move and flow with the gratitude for what you’ve learned. And be mindful always of dropping the ego around it. Simply move forward with the lessons learned and the healing expanding.
You were born for this work — the work of transmutation through suffering, trauma healing, transition and death. You understand these energies through Light, not darkness. You can let go of ego and reap the benefits of what you’ve learned — discipline, sacrifice, stability, foundation, trust, faith, beauty and bounty.
Jupiter and I have worked together specifically in your life, through a soul contract, to show you these benefits and to prove to you that nothing is entirely malefic or benefic. Everything just is — and there is a neutrality in understanding that these influences are all designed to bring greater balance and clarity to a person’s life.
We can spend time together helping you understand this and helping you see how to utilize this energy in 3-D life.
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Exercise: Begin each exercise by grounding and protecting. For more information on how, see this post.
How does the energy of this message from Saturn move through you? What came up for you when you read this? Is there anything you understand about your own experiences of suffering and sacrifice that you didn’t before? Is there any time in your life that you experienced what you perceived as loss, only to find an opening to something beautiful as a result? Does this reflection create space for you to allow the energy around any suffering or sacrifice you might be currently experiencing to move in healing ways?
Feel free to write or record your responses to these prompts in any way that feels right for you. Be open to means of expression beyond simply writing or journalling, such as creating a collage or a piece of artwork that reflects or represents your experiences.
We all need help with clarity …
Sometimes, things come up in the healing journey that we can’t quite manage by ourselves. I’m fortunate to have people I can call on to help me gain that clarity. And I’m also in therapy, which helps immensely with processing the psychological and mental health issues. If you find yourself getting stuck on this journey or having something come up that you need some guidance on, please do seek help. An internet search can help you find a qualified mental health practitioner for those psychological issues. And if you’re looking for help from the Light on the spiritual questions, I have some availability for readings. (Read more about that here.)