Keep your heart open through gratitude
Hello friends,
This month’s collective message from the Light is about the importance of keeping our hearts open and filling the space we create and hold with a healing flow of Light. And it’s about gratitude as a practice for doing this.
I want to acknowledge that it can be really hard to keep our hearts open, and it can feel terrifying and hopeless sometimes. This isn’t just about one war, but about all the wars — old and ongoing and seemingly never-ending. It’s about laws that will cause irreparable harm to children who are already dying from suicide at alarming rates. It’s about systemic injustices and the horrifying abuses of people in power over others, and whatever causes the empire-obsessed to colonize the rest of the world. It’s about a human history full of brutality, oppression, and murder.
There are so many atrocities happening all the time, and I don’t want to dismiss it in any way, or naively imply that we can love-and-light the circumstances away. The spiritual work is another thing that we can do to help — it’s important for us to be aware of the world we live in and the ways we can help or the actions we can take in 3-D. And also, we can work on our own evolution and healing, share our light in whatever ways it comes through, and trust that it does help change things.
This inner work is also important because it’s essential that people who care deeply about other people, about accountability and justice, and about the rights of other human beings to exist in peace, harmony, and abundance not be overwhelmed by the evidence all around us of how far humanity currently is from this ideal.
When I get overwhelmed and start feeling hopeless about the world, I tune into the Light and I’m shown every single time that each of us can help every day by continuing to heal, continuing to raise our awareness, and continuing to change our own energy to reflect the truth we know inside: that this world should be safe and just and peaceful and harmonious for every being who exists here. To be honest, I don’t think we’re likely to see the manifestation of this ideal world in this lifetime. But will holding space in Light help contribute to a sea change? The Light always assures me that it does.
Sending love,
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Collective Message from the Light for March 2022
Right now, there are countless energies pushing down all around. This is happening globally, and also in people’s personal lives. These heavy energies are compelling, and often existential. So the most important thing to remember this month is to keep your heart open, even in the face of all this heaviness.
Lately, a lot of focus of these messages has been on creating and holding space, which is absolutely essential in these times. Now, the focus moves into filling that space, through your heart, with a healing flow of Light. One of the easiest, quickest and most effective ways to do this is through gratitude. Moment to moment, throughout the day, experiencing the genuine flow of gratitude through your heart produces and amplifies the light you are shining into the world.
Noticing these moments when you feel this flow, and grounding the energy through the expression of your gratitude can and will change the space you hold.
This isn’t about making a mental list of things you are grateful for. It’s about feeling the energy of that gratitude through your heart chakra, and allowing that lift to raise the entire frequency of the space you hold in this world. Making a mental list is not a bad way to begin this practice, and it allows for a habit of noticing to be formed, but as much as you can, while making the list, allow the flow of energy to move through your heart. If you can’t feel it specifically, simply set the intention to allow it and move your focus into allowing it, but don’t get frustrated if you can’t always feel it. Sometimes these are blockages preventing these sensations, or keeping our awareness from coming all the way through. But the intention and focus go a long way towards clearing these blockages and neutralizing any old energies that no longer need to be there.
Once you’ve established this pattern or habit of noticing what you’re grateful for, allow the practice to expand. See if you’re noticing more and more all the time. Because the energy of the intention of being grateful will create a framework within you — it will change your energetic structure and it will allow for a constant and exponential expansion of this flow, through you and out into the world.
This is something you can do this month that will have a direct and positive effect. Because in changing our own energy, raising our own frequency, continuing to hold a stable and steady space around us and filling that space with increasingly loving frequencies of healing light, we are contributing to the healing happening in the world, through the interconnectedness of all things.
Many people — particularly those who are highly sensitive — are feeling overwhelmed and helpless in the face of the suffering taking place everywhere around them. This is why it is more important than ever that highly sensitive people keep their hearts open. Because through the heart, there is a great deal of light that can be generated and grounded and amplified. And this really will help.
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Practice gratitude. However it feels right for you, set the intention to practice opening your heart through gratitude, and find a way to ground that intention all the way through into 3-D. This could be through taking photos, keeping a journal, making collages, or sharing the things you’re grateful for with someone you love. Notice how this practice shifts for you, and what shifts within you as a result.
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listen to the message here:
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