Make Time to Do the Work
Hello Friends,
I hope this first bit of February has been kind to you! We are really enjoying the shift around here. While I’ve always felt that February is the longest month of the year, there’s also something about how much closer to March we are than we were throughout January, and that feels really hopeful!
The collective message from the Light for this month is all about doing the work that is needed to take care of ourselves and those around us. Those things that we’ve all been putting off? Now is the time to get them done, and the energies right now are really supportive. I hope that if this resonates for you, it’s the encouragement you need to get even one thing checked off your list.
I’m going to go print off the land use permit for the greenhouse we’re putting up in the Sun Garden this year! Taking care of these details is one of the most exciting things on my list right now.
Hope you’re all well, and thriving!
Sending light and love,
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Collective Message from the Light for February 2022
There is coming a time when people who are aware and who can do the work will need to step up and help. It’s not all doom and gloom — so don’t read it as such. It’s just that this evolutionary step in humanity is coming with a lot of growing pains, and therefore requires the helpers be at the forefront blazing trails and clearing energetic pathways for others to traverse. This isn’t easy work, and it will require as much awareness, consciousness, grounding and care that people who are willing can bring forth. Doing the work is required now. This is why so much attention has been spent on creating and holding space, because you who are called are being prepared for what is next.
This month, the challenge is to do the work to increase your awareness, expand your consciousness, practice your grounding and take really excellent care of the things that need care in 3-D. Read the books you’re called to read, watch the videos you’re called to watch, listen and learn about the spiritual practices you feel called to listen to and learn from. And experiment a bit with your own practice to see what expansion you can bring and what directions it can take you.
Be mindful of the 3-D too, and do the work needed here, as well, to dot the Is and cross the Ts so you have as many ducks as possible in a row and as many details dialed in. Work on your systems in 3-D — the things that allow you to feel like you’re taking care of what needs to be taken care of. And keep an eye on the needs of your body and the health of those in your care — your family and loved ones. Now is a time to implement a very specific type of self care that is aware of 3-D needs and anticipates them and takes care of them before they become more critical.
These things sometimes get ignored because they take energy and work and sometimes your plate is already full to overflowing. However, the worry about these things takes more energy than you realize, so let go of your fears around this and just do the work that needs to be done.
It is essential that you be mindful of these things at this time. Not because anything is wrong, but because the energy is supporting you in this pursuit. Some of the things that might otherwise feel like pulling teeth will be so much easier to do now.
This attention to 3-D is essential so that you can keep going and keep expanding on these spiritual fronts as well, because you need a physical vessel here in 3-D, and that vessel needs food and shelter and care. Your mind also needs food and shelter and care, so if you feel called to do something healing and enriching for your mind, now is a good time, as well. Therapy, a class on healing, exploring mindfulness techniques or meditation — all of these pursuits are extremely well supported by the energies present for this collective right now. This is a put your mask on first moment, like on an airplane. Healers everywhere — or anyone holding space for their own healing, or that of others — are being called to take care of themselves right now. And it is not easy, but it’s essential.
What have you been putting off that you could take care of this month? Even if it’s just one thing — the healing you will experience by doing it now will be profound.
These actions ground deeper intentions, because by putting the lifeforce into doing the work and taking care of yourself, you are putting your 3-D lifeforce behind, through and around the intention to be present here and thrive long term so that you can do the world to help others, as well.
This goes deeper than just taking care of yourself, because you do feel called to help and you are doing the work to hold space for others. Because you are in the midst of an evolution within, and you can and will help others evolve and heal, as well. All of that exists within the intention and the steps you take to do the work and take care of yourself.
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Choose a reasonable number of things you can do this month. It might only be one, it could be one a week, it could be a small one each day. Whatever it is, BE SURE it’s not unattainable and that this won’t become a way to beat yourself up or punish yourself.
Write it down and put it somewhere you will see it every day. Do the work.
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Audio version of the message:
Would you like to read more Messages from the Light?
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Order a copy here, with a personalized message from the Light.
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