Ask within, "Who am I, truly?"
Hello Friends,
Here is the Collective Message from the Light for May, and it encourages us all to get to know ourselves on continuously deeper levels so that we can be present in our lives and do the jobs we’re here to do.
This is a process I’ve been going through lately myself, tuning in and asking the Light to show me who I truly am. As I’ve done so, it’s opened up new levels of understanding within, as has allowed me to see how I’m meant to shift as things shift around me. It has also opened up pockets of things that still need to be healed: old issues around feeling worthless and unloveable. So as you do this deep and honest self reflection this month, hold space for the hard things that will come up, go gently and take care of yourself as you shine the Light into these spaces and bring healing through the places that still need to be healed.
As we do this work to heal ourselves and as we become more present in the jobs we’re here to do, the energy will help others heal as well in ways we can’t even begin to imagine. As always, I’m sending light and love to you all,
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Collective Message from the Light for May 2022
The time is coming when lightworkers must prepare themselves to do the many and varied jobs they are here to do. It isn't easy, but it is important that each one of you get to know yourself on a deeper and more honest level. This can be done through honest self reflection, and also through tuning in and asking within, “who am I, truly?”
This process of self reflection, and the truths that come out of it, will help each and every one of you to be present in your lives and in this world in ever more healing ways. This will allow you to channel more light, amplify that light and provide a healing space for yourself and those around you. Once you are more aware of who you are on the deepest levels possible, some of the tricks of the mind and some of the twists of the emotions will smooth out, allowing you to exist with less suffering and in more presence.
It is very difficult to know the future right now. And trying to plan for things is very difficult, as well, due to the instability and the shifting that is taking place all around us all the time. Going where you are called, and providing whatever help and healing you feel called to provide is also shifting quickly. So try not to get too locked into your ideas of what you want from your life, and work to be open to discovering what you're meant to do, and how you're meant to do it in new and varied ways all the time.
There is a peace that can be found and this ability to shift and change as things shift and change around you, but it requires an awareness of your human desires and how they sometimes need to be released in order to move into this kind of acceptance of what is. The more you can be ready for these shifts and respond to them with light, love and healing presence, the more you will see how the light flowing through you is helping, and this will fill your heart with light, love and gratitude.
Be ready for these shifts as they come and be centered and grounded in a true sense of who you are, and what you are here to do. This isn't necessarily about what you do for a job or for a living, but rather the energy you carry as you do what you do. Ripples of love, light, peace, comfort and healing will radiate from you as you do this work. And it will be healing for all you interact with and come into contact with.
Here's a reminder, healing begins within through a deep inner knowing himself and then radiates out into the world. As you heal yourself, you heal others for all is connected and all is one.
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This month set aside some time to ask within “Who am I, truly?” Give yourself space to explore the answers, and ask the Light to show you through your heart, not through your mind, who you are and what you're here to do.
You can journal or record the answers in whatever ways flow through you. Be mindful of the ways the answers shift as you ask and explore. And also be mindful and present for the blockages that come up as you do. There are many reasons for these blockages. Often they're psychological or emotional, and they can be buried very deep within. Shine light on them and ask the Light and the angels and any other beings of Light you feel called to work with to help you dissolve them and expand beyond them as they come up.
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audio recording of the collective message:
Would you like to read more Messages from the Light?
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