What it Means to Create Space
Hello Friend,
It’s mid-February now, and I’m only just posting the transcript from the reading for January. It’s been a challenging couple of months here, and things needed to be done and those things eclipsed everything else. But I wanted to post this here in case you find yourself in need of this message. These messages can be timely — this message was about the energies of a specific month — but these words can also find you when and where you need them. I considered not posting this here since it’s been a month and a half since it was recorded, but then realized that it’s a useful message about creating space, and that is a topic I find comes up always and often.
I hope this finds you well, whenever it finds you!
Sending light and love,
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Collective Message from the Light for January 2022
The theme for this month is creating space, in part because the energies upcoming are really quite heavy.
Not to be the bearer of bad news, but most people need only look around them to friends or family members to see that things are difficult, challenges are everywhere and the need to create and hold space is how people will continue to weather these storms.
So, what does it mean to create space?
People have energetic fields all around them — we talk about this a lot — being aware of one’s field, clearing your field, protecting your field. But what actually is your energetic field in this context?
It is the space around you into which your various energetic bodies stretch beyond your physical form. Your energetic field is the space in which you interact with others when their field overlaps with yours. It is also the space you bring people into when communicating — in person, but also on the phone or over the internet.
In order to create a healing space, you must understand this completely — what your field is and how it functions. Each person’s energetic field functions differently, and some people’s fields interact harmoniously, while others explode like fireworks. This explains why you might like someone immediately, or why they might “rub you the wrong way.”
The more awareness you have of your own energetic field, the more easily you can create healing space — for yourself first and then to share with others.
Many of you in this community are healers in your own work, and almost all of you are holding space for loved ones who are struggling through hard times. And almost all of you are being confronted right now with seemingly endless opportunities to heal old wounds. These opportunities are chances to neutralize karma — and even to work beautifully to stop cycles where new karmas are created. This is not work that is easily done, and that is why this is being mentioned now. Because everyone, everywhere, without exception, is going through something.
Creating space allows you to sit more comfortably with the process, and also to give you the means through which you can help each other.
Now is the time to help the helpers, you see. Lightworkers need to be there for each other, provide solace and space for healing, but in order to do that, you must first create the solace and space.
It is important for people to create space in such heavy times, because stability is needed now. The more stable you can be, the more you can create harmonious space for yourself, the more stable you will be when helping others, and the more stable they will be as a result of that help. And there will be a network of stable helpers who can help others navigate these unstable times.
When you feel the heaviness descending — remember the exercise (below), but also remember the things that help. If it lifts you up to go for a walk, or read a book, or cook something nourishing and lovely, or listen to nice stories on a podcast, remember to do these things. Remember what the things that lift you up are, and keep an inventory — for these things that lift your heart are the things that will help you create and maintain space during heavy times.
Close your eyes and visualize yourself in the center of four columns of bright yellowy golden white light, like these columns are the four corners of an invisible square around you, each one 15 feet away from you. Feel yourself at the center of these four columns, and feel yourself connecting to the Earth below you. Visualize these columns going up into the cosmos, into the infinite, and know that they continue far beyond what you see. Next, visualize the columns going down all the way into the center of the Earth. Next, see the light from each column extending out toward the columns next to it, creating sides of this box at which you are the center. As you visualize these walls around you forming, see them as translucent — they are solid, and have substance, but you can still see and be aware of the world around you. Know, however, that within this space of complete and total Light, you are protected and cared for, nurtured by Light — completely, safely and effortlessly healed by Light. This is your space, and the heaviness of the world around you, while still there, cannot penetrate this space.
Know that it is your divine right to hold this space, and that in this space, you have the right to choose what frequencies are allowed in this space. Choose now frequencies that are most harmonious and most healing for you — and for those around you, when you choose to bring them into this space. Feel the peaceful essence of this intention, to allow only that which is most healing and most harmonious to exist in this space. And know too that when you share this space, and when you hold space for others, that you are doing so with perfect autonomy — and that when you need to, you can reclaim this space and hold it in solitude for as much and as long as you need.
Give thanks to the Light and to the beings of Light you work with and who are surrounding and protecting you now.
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audio version of the message:
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