Turning Down the Noise and Returning to Center
Hello Friends,
It seems November 2021 will give us a lot of chances to work on the space we hold, and maintaining our autonomy in that space. This message from the Light, as well as the video reading I did for the month of November (which I’ll include at bottom of this page), both talk about how we hold that space, and how we avoid being pulled out of that space.
The energy here, for me, speaks a lot to how I use technology, versus being used by technology. I used to get messages like this, and felt the truth of them, so when I watched the movie “The Social Dilemma,” it was very confirming. Have you seen it yet? These apps that we use — which can be such sources of connection and joy — are designed to addict us and control our behavior. So how do we participate in the joyful and light-filled aspects without becoming beholden to forces outside of our control? The answer from the Light is always “through mindfulness and presence.”
I have been feeling a bit overwrought lately, and so I changed the wallpaper on my phone’s lock screen to a gentle illustration with the words “What are you opening this for? Check in first.” It’s only been a short time since I did this, but so far, it seems to be helping me stay present and mindful with the device. What ways can you find to remind yourself to be present and mindful in the moment, and to maintain your own autonomy and be the one choosing the energies that flow through your field?
I hope this finds you well, and that you’re having a wonderful day!
Sending Light and Love,
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Message from the Light:
Things are just getting noisier and noisier, so it is up to each individual to control the volume in their own field. This is very important because there are forces at work that would like people to be more unhinged and less in control of their own space, as this makes people more malleable and easier to manipulate.
If you find yourself, almost against your will, on an app or buying a thing or interacting with your devices in ways that feel inorganic to the true desires of your heart, pay attention to what is happening there. Be mindful of how your energy is being pulled off center, how you are being pulled out of yourself. And turn down the volume by getting away from the noise and recalibrating your field in ways that feel wholesome and nourishing for you.
For example, a walk outside amongst the trees, or a relaxing bath, or a quiet meal of your favorite foods can be excellent ways to reset your nervous system.
When resetting your nervous system, look for the things that incite a calming response through your sensory input. In the examples given, the walk amongst the trees engages the visual senses, the bath engages the sense of touch and the meal engages the sense of taste. Each of your physical senses, when modulated in ways that feel organic for you individually, can have an immediate effect on the autonomic nervous system.
Each individual should spend time when they are not activated in a negative response thinking about the activities that create a calming sensory response for them, so that when their system goes into overload, they can immediately — or as soon as they can notice and remember — turn to one of the many activities they know will help. This is essential — to practice these techniques in good and easy times, so they are available in more challenging or triggering times.
The more people can do this for themselves, the more they will help the collective, since the energy is all interconnected.
There are many, many, many outside factors involved in turning up the volume and pulling people off center, so it is up to each individual to do what they can to modulate the flow of energies and information through their own systems — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
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Begin each exercise by grounding and protecting. For more information on how, see this post.
What are the ways you are being pulled off center? What aspects of your life feel the noisiest right now? Spend a bit of time this month paying attention to this, and asking these questions of yourself. And then, as the answers come, spend some time reflecting on what aspects feel the most centered, and what activities help turn down the volume in your field.
How do these outside energies affect you physically? Do you notice a response in your body? What about mentally? Do you feel there are aspects of your mind that, once activated, seem to run out of your control? What do you feel emotionally when this happens? And spiritually, how does this affect your sense of Self? Do you feel compromised, or that your autonomy has been stepped on?
Reflect on these things and, as you do, if you feel called, keep a record of what you get. Keep a list of the ways that engaging your senses makes you feel calmer, and then refer back to this list when you need to be reminded of how to adjust when you need to come back to center and turn down the noise. It might not always be the same sense or the same activity that helps, so having a list with a broad range of activities that activate each of the five physical senses will help.
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Would you like to read more Messages from the Light?
There is now a whole book full of these readings! The Journal of a Spiritual Seeker is available now.
Order a copy here, with a personalized message from the Light.
Or, you can order a print-on-demand or ebook copy directly here.
(Since the print on demand copy doesn’t come directly from us, the shipping is less expensive — particularly if you’re ordering outside the U.S. — and is likely to arrive more quickly.)
AND, Volume 2 is being written now, so if you’d like first access, join us on Patreon!
Collective Message from the Light for November 2021:
We all need help with clarity …
Sometimes, things come up in the healing journey that we can’t quite manage by ourselves. I’m fortunate to have people I can call on to help me gain that clarity. And I’m also in therapy, which helps immensely with processing the psychological and mental health issues. If you find yourself getting stuck on this journey or having something come up that you need some guidance on, please do seek help. An internet search can help you find a qualified mental health practitioner for those psychological issues. And if you’re looking for help from the Light on the spiritual questions, I have some availability for readings. (Read more about that here.)