The Journal of a Spiritual Seeker, Navigating Changes on the Spiritual Path
Hello Seekers,
I have to admit, I’ve been dreading getting to this point in the journal. I remember all too well how painful these weeks were. I was experiencing a lot of conflict in my close relationships — with people I love dearly. The communication was so off, and there were so many hurt feelings on every side. None of us were trying to hurt each other, but it was inevitable. We were relearning how to communicate, because the changes within me as I did the spiritual work were no longer allowing me to operate the way I always had.
As I read through the series of posts I’m going to share this week, I can see how much beauty and light and healing came out of these times, and how much easier, more honest and more open my communication is than it has ever been before. But this is a lifelong journey for me, and I have to consistently remind myself, and be reminded, of the importance of compassion — for myself and the people I’m communicating with.
Communication is one of my greatest challenges. I have a lot of people pleasing tendencies still, and this can create really intense rifts within me as I try to overcome the imbalance. I continue to be confronted with opportunities to learn more about communication (read: challenging conversations that require me to be brutally honest with myself). Learning boundaries, breaking codependent patterns, and communicating with more honesty and authenticity are not easy lessons, but they are very healing.
Our communication with others — especially when it touches off a very strong emotional reaction within us — is one of the best vehicles for us to learn more about ourselves. When we have these reactions, we can look more deeply within to search out the roots of why we are reacting the way we are. And as the Light points out to me here, those we love most are our greatest teachers in this way.
Don’t forget kindness as you go through this journey. When you’ve been a people pleaser and suffered because of codependent patterns, it can be very easy to let the pendulum swing in the opposite direction. I’ve allowed the imbalance to slip off at times into the realms of blame and entitlement, and that’s exactly when I have to remind myself of the importance of honesty and compassion and look at the whole thing again through these lenses.
I hope communication with those you love is flowing effortlessly, and if it’s not, I hope you’re learning amazing things about yourself in the process.
Sending love and light,
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Q and A with the Light, Nov. 13, 2017 (Part 1)
Me: I’m experiencing some anxiety today. What is the root?
The Light: Fear.
Me: Of what?
Of loss, of failure, of losing control and spiraling out. Of death, of life — of everything.
Me: I’m working on releasing that fear. Is there any other information about this fear and anxiety that I need to know to transmute it?
Continue raising your frequency. There is something unsettling happening in your environment. Energies are shifting. Spend some time clearing and harmonizing your space for your benefit as well as that of the animals and people around you.
Me: I just had a difficult conversation. I ask the Light, why did that conversation just take place and what do I need to learn from it?
They are reacting to the changing dynamic in the relationship that is a result of the changes taking place within you. They’re freaking out a little bit because they’re afraid for you, and for themselves. Doing things in a different way from how they’ve always done it is uncomfortable for people.
You are charged with becoming unshakable. The people closest to you are your greatest teachers because they are so close and because you share so much love.
Don’t mourn the changes taking place, embrace them and allow yourself to move into ever deeper realms of unconditional love. Don’t allow other people’s reactions to touch off reactions in you. Stay with the Light, and continue to always follow your inner guidance.
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Exercise: Begin each exercise by grounding and protecting. For more information on how, see this post.
This exercise is for the purpose of examining the energies, not for getting into an obsessive loop of punishing others or punishing yourself for things that happened in the past. It’s important to be aware of the tightrope we walk when we look into our past — a be ever mindful that the goal is to gain more clarity so that we can act in ways that are more balanced and harmonious for our own soul’s purpose in the future. So be sure to be grounded, and then reflect on a time when you had a challenging encounter or series of encounters with someone you love. Be brutally honest with yourself — without judgement — as you remember what happened and how you reacted. Look deeper. Ask yourself, “what was at the root of my reaction?” Can you find any clarity you didn't have before?
Some of these encounters — like the ones I had at the time of this journal entry — end up with better communication on both sides. And some encounters result in an end of the relationship in 3-D. Both outcomes can have unconditional love at their core, so be aware of both potentials as you communicate from a place of higher awareness, and seek to communicate your truths from a balanced place of love, for both yourself and others.
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A brief note: This journal and its exercises are simply a means to help you find your own flow. There is no pressure to follow them exactly or read each and every one. It does not need to be read in order either, so if you miss one, don’t feel like you’ve failed or fallen behind. These messages are here to hold space for you as you discover and evolve within your spiritual practice.
This is the first volume of The Journal of the Spiritual Seeker, and I’m presenting it here on The Devic Connection website, serialized over the last 10 weeks of 2020, with weekly roundups via email (you can sign up in the box at the bottom of this page if you’d like to receive these.) If you’ve just arrived here and would like to start from the beginning, here’s the link to the first post.
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We all need help with clarity …
Sometimes, things come up in the healing journey that we can’t quite manage by ourselves. I’m fortunate to have people I can call on to help me gain that clarity. And I’m also in therapy, which helps immensely with processing the psychological and mental health issues. If you find yourself getting stuck on this journey or having something come up that you need some guidance on, please do seek help. An internet search can help you find a qualified mental health practitioner for those psychological issues. And if you’re looking for help from the Light on the spiritual questions, I have some availability for readings. (Read more about that here.)