Our Friends can Help Us Heal
The fairy spot, with the dog standing in front of it.
The fairy said to me, “We like your dog.”
The dog in question was sniffing around the maple tree directly in front of the house. It had snowed and snowed the day before, but it was late-March and trying to be Spring, so melting was happening more quickly than it does in December. There was a patch of grass, newly exposed, there next to the trunk and Ginge was happily sniffing to see what had happened to it since it had been covered by snow. I noticed a little fairy spot, tucked into the base of the trunk, that I’d never seen before. And the opening for communication was as simple as that — noticing it and acknowledging that it was in fact a “fairy spot.”
I don’t see the fairies so much as just know they are there, and sometimes I get clairaudient confirmation. “There’s a fairy there,” is how it happened that day, and suddenly she was telling me she liked our dog.
“We like her too,” I responded. “She’s very sweet, isn’t she?”
“You can call on us to help in healing her, and yourselves,” the fairy told me, which was lovely because we’ve been working with a new energy healing modality because Ginger needs a lot of help right now — she just had her first of two surgeries to repair torn ligaments in her back legs. And Mom needs help too. And so do I. The fairy was making it clear that these beings of light we share space with can help with this work. “Just ask and we will lend our healing light to the process.”
I told her how grateful I am for this, and Ginge and I moved on to sniff another patch of freshly snowed-on grass.
Next time you’re working on healing yourself or those you love, perhaps reach out in your heart to the fairies and devas you share space with. I bet they’d be willing to help!
Recovering nicely!