Be the Ripple — Healing Self Heals All
This is a reading from the Light for the week of June 24 to 30, 2019, however it is a timeless message, so if you find yourself here on another date, trust that the message is timely for where you’re at and your current experiences.
We’ve just entered Cancer season, and I’m getting that this is a divine time to allow yourself to look more deeply at your emotions, what they’re indicating and what you’re meant to learn from them. As a Cancer myself, this has been a lifelong process for me and, in balance, Cancer is a wonderful sign for continuously developing ever deepening levels of emotional intelligence and wellbeing. So, here’s what the Light has to say today:
These ducks and geese are creating all sorts of ripples on this little pond, and as they move, the ripples intersect with each other. So too does our healing work intersect with the healing work others are doing, and the Light gets amplified exponentially as it does.
Being emotionally attached to pain and suffering is not in balance, because pain and suffering are meant to be indicators to trigger transmutation. When you attach to them through your emotions, however, you block that transmutation and become stuck in place.
Allow the energies that are under the pain and suffering to surface so that you can truly understand them on a deeper, cosmic level. How do they fit, beyond what you are experiencing in your bubble of 3-D?
Because of the interconnectedness of all things, these energies are cosmic and we are all cosmic and the work we do has a cosmic effect. Like the tiny pebble dropped into the ocean, the ripples go out and out and out and affect absolutely everything.
Healing Self heals everything.
But when you attach too closely or identify too intimately with the indicators of pain and suffering, the pebble never drops into the ocean, it just remains suspended above the water, and the ripples never happen and the healing never takes place.
You can’t save anyone else from their own pain and suffering either, because to do so would keep them suspended as well. So you must always allow the energy to flow the way it will, directed by Divine Light.
This does not mean you can’t help — you can and you will. But you are helping to facilitate and create an environment so the energies can flow and people who experience the energies can heal Self. Many lightworkers burn out by believing they can do the ultimate healing for people, so remember this and remember to always stay in balance.
It is hard for many lightworkers to grasp this concept because many of you have come from places where this duality doesn’t exist. Where transmutation occurs automatically and suffering is completely unnecessary. But you have chosen to incarnate in form in 3-D because there are unique lessons of transmutation that exist in this place of duality. And also because the mechanism of existing in form allows you to do work that is unique to being in form. It is not better or worse than work you might have done in previous incarnations when you were not in form, it’s just different.
You can affect the physical reality of this place that you live by learning to be aware of and work with energies. You can call in beings of Light who are not in form to help. There are interventions that can only take place when someone existing in form in 3-D brings through and grounds the energy by calling in the help.
This is all said to help you contextualize your experiences and help to keep you from getting too discouraged.
The world is a difficult place right now. In very many ways, it always has been, but there are so many of you now and methods of communication are helping to raise awareness globally, where before people’s concerns rarely extended beyond their own community.
It benefits you, as lightworkers, to be aware of what is happening, but in a balanced way — in a way that calls you to action in your own unique way, to bring through light in whatever ways you are called to do so. Do not become bogged down in the sorrow of the world. Recognize it, acknowledge it, and then do the work to transmute the energies that are being indicated by the pain and suffering you and others experience.
And remember always that in healing Self and in bringing light through into this world, you are creating those ripples that are extending out from you and helping to heal All That Is.
Here’s a little bit of homework if, like me, you find exercises help you integrate the messages more fully and fluidly.
Keep a small notebook with you, or maybe make notes on your phone, and keep a tally of all of the times you’re emotionally triggered this week. Often these issues come up during times when you’re not able to immediately sit down and process. So just briefly answer: What just happened, and how did I feel about it?
*It’s important to note here the word choice — “how did I feel about it,” NOT “how did it make me feel.” We must be increasingly aware that our emotions are our own reactions to the energies around us, and we must be responsible to ourselves for them. This does not mean shitty people don’t do shitty things and that we don’t feel bad as a result, but it is saying that our emotional bodies are autonomous, and as we learn that more and more, we can be more and more honest with ourselves and others, create healthy boundaries and live more balanced lives. We can stay in the flow, instead of being pulled off balance by our reactions.
** It is also important to note that when you begin to look honestly at these issues, you will get lots of opportunities to learn these lessons, so be prepared as you go into this work to be emotionally triggered, and just remember to stay with the Light and stay in the flow and continuously cultivate that watcher function within yourself so that you are observing and learning from the process.
At whatever interval feels comfortable for you, whether it be at the end of each day or the end of the week or whatever in between, take out your notes and review what happened and how you felt. Look at each individual encounter first. See if you can track the energy of the encounter. Ask yourself: What was I actually reacting to? What is at the root of my reaction? Take the answers as deep as you can, and then visualize them as the pebble over the water, and when you feel ready, drop the pebble into the water, letting go of whatever energy triggered your emotional response, and watch the ripples spread out in concentric circles from there. Move on and do the same for the next note, and the next, and the next.
Then, once you’ve looked at each individually, ask yourself: Was there a pattern to what I experienced during that time frame? Can I track the energies and reactions back to anything in particular? Follow the energy as deeply as you can and continue asking what it is you are meant to learn from this. Then, when you feel you’ve gained as much understanding and wisdom as you can from this, visualize the collective energy of all of your triggered responses as a rock above the water, and then let the rock go, releasing and transmuting all of that energy.
If you’d like, you could repeat this exercise over a longer span of time. It is likely that, as you do, you will find you have fewer and fewer emotional responses as you observe and transmute more and more of the underlying energies that trigger them.
Sometimes it can be really difficult to look at these energies, especially when they trigger these deep emotional responses, and often we need outside help with some of the things we’d maybe rather not look at. If you find you’re stuck and need help with clarity, I do provide private readings, so drop me a line on the Schedule a Reading page and I’d be happy to work with you.
I’ve also recently started a YouTube channel, so if you resonate with things you’ve read on the website, you can also give my videos a listen and maybe they’ll resonate for you too!
And I’m on Instagramas well, so if you enjoy that space, come and follow along with what I’m sharing over there! I’m always interested in how these energies are playing out for us all, and I’d love to hear from you, so drop a line, or comment on one of these social media sites and let me know how things are going for you!