Bringing Healing Light Through the Chaos
Hello Friends,
The energies are a bit rough right now for a lot of people, but when I tune in, the Light provides a different perspective. Yes, things are chaotic and a lot of people are experiencing a lot of existential turmoil (understandably). However, the Light continues to show me that the openings and opportunities for healing are just as vast and just as compelling as the aspects that are challenging.
In this message, the Light talks about some of the opportunities that are present now for healing on a much greater scale than what we’ve previously experienced. These opportunities aren’t coming easily and they certainly aren’t coming without hardship. But there is a chance here to help ourselves, and ultimately to help others.
I keep getting that this is a time of accountability, and this message reminds me of that, as well. We are accountable for our own healing, and also for the energy we hold for the collective. Because we are all connected in oneness, the space we hold has a pretty significant impact on the state of things in general. It might not always feel like our personal healing and our awareness of the space we hold is making a difference, but the Light assures me it does.
And how do we become more aware and hold our space? In the Collective Message from the Light for December (the video is linked below if you haven’t seen it), the Light encourages us to remember our resources. Our coping mechanisms, our tools for healing, the practices we rely on to maintain our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing are all vitally important right now. These are the things that will allow us to move through these hardships — or even just through the chaotic energies present all around us in the world right now — with presence and awareness. And remembering we have these resources is the first step towards remembering to use them.
The more we harmonize and balance our own energy — which, don’t forget, is a dynamic state of being and not something that we achieve or arrive at and say “Ta-da, done!” — the more we are contributing to the harmonizing and balancing needed and helping to amplify the healing light that is available here in this place and in these times.
As always, I hope this message finds you well, and that your healing journey is also a space for gratitude and joy.
Sending love and light,
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Message from the Light:
What we are seeing as we enter a time of new being is a sense of recklessness and disorder. As the universe realigns around new paradigms, the beings of the universe are feeling all sorts of instability in all of their energy bodies. This instability is causing people to react like dynamite — the fuse gets lit, and if allowed to burn long enough, it will explode and the ramifications of this will be severe — both for the people themselves, and also for those around them and for their environments, as well.
This isn’t the natural order of things. Everything has been sped up and destabilized because of the shifting taking place cosmically.
Now for the good news, for there is good news in all this. This instability also offers the opportunity for profound growth and healing. Living on this planet right now isn’t pleasant for many human beings. The energies at work here are chaotic and detrimental for people — particularly if they’re not aware consciously of energies. But this chaos and instability offers openings and gateways for profound healing to take place in and for individuals. And as individuals heal and create pockets of healing light around themselves, it shifts the already shifting paradigm.
During these chaotic times, the structures of time and space are destabilized, as well, so the very nature of 3-D isn’t as delineated as it used to be. Enter Light — which has new opportunities and new abilities to move in this less-concrete framework, and this is where real and lasting change can take place.
So, if people are having a hard time being grateful for the hardships that are taking place, they can look for these openings for Light to flow through, and work on aligning themselves and their spaces and environments for the continued amplification of Light flowing always and creatively through their lives and the lives of those around them.
These unstable times are giving beings who are willing the chance to fast-track their healing — neutralizing huge pockets of karma in one go. Energies that would take many lifetimes to heal in any other time are now transmuting, all at once, all the time.
With awareness, people can do a great deal toward raising the frequencies for themselves and for those around them.
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Begin each exercise by grounding and protecting. For more information on how, see this post.
Close your eyes and visualize a room in chaos. It could be the room you’re in or a different room or even an imaginary room, it doesn’t matter. Just take a moment to notice the chaos and take stock of what makes it so chaotic. Next, visualize everything harmonizing. See things that were out of place going back into the spots where it feels like they belong. Bring life to the room, if you’d like, visualizing plants or animals or people living and breathing and making use of this harmonious space. If you can, feel the energies harmonizing as well, and feel a gentle and balanced flow returning to the space. Spend as much time as you’d like on this exercise, and repeat it once a day for a week to see if it shifts anything for you.
You can also make a list of your resources, and then set five intentions to use those resources in your everyday life this month. If you feel called, make notes and keep track to see if these intentions change how you feel or how you experience things right now.
collective message from the Light for December 2021:
We all need help with clarity …
Sometimes, things come up in the healing journey that we can’t quite manage by ourselves. I’m fortunate to have people I can call on to help me gain that clarity. And I’m also in therapy, which helps immensely with processing the psychological and mental health issues. If you find yourself getting stuck on this journey or having something come up that you need some guidance on, please do seek help. An internet search can help you find a qualified mental health practitioner for those psychological issues. And if you’re looking for help from the Light on the spiritual questions, I have some availability for readings. (Read more about that here.)
Would you like to read more Messages from the Light?
There is now a whole book full of these readings! The Journal of a Spiritual Seeker is available now.
Order a copy here, with a personalized message from the Light.
Or, you can order a print-on-demand or ebook copy directly here.
(Since the print on demand copy doesn’t come directly from us, the shipping is less expensive — particularly if you’re ordering outside the U.S. — and is likely to arrive more quickly.)
AND, Volume 2 is being written now, so if you’d like first access, join us on Patreon!