The Journal of a Spiritual Seeker, An Exercise to Overcome Fear
Hello Seekers,
Today’s post is a journaling exercise I did, with some guidance from the Light mixed in. Examining my fear has been incredibly useful over the years, and has helped me gain context and perspective over what I’m experiencing. Sometimes our fear is founded in reality — sometimes we really are in danger — and this requires a different set of actions than when our fear is more emotional or mental and comes out of our old traumas or past life experiences. Being aware of what we’re afraid of is the first step towards recognizing how to respond in balanced and harmonious ways, as opposed to reacting with knee-jerk haste because we’ve been triggered.
Our physiological responses to fear often don’t differentiate between what is a present danger in 3-D and what we’re experiencing emotionally or mentally. That’s why, when we’re having a response to something that has triggered us, it can actually feel like we’re dying. I’ve had emotional responses that sparked off a very real fight or flight response in my body. This physiological hormonal response can help save our lives when we actually need it, but when it is happening all the time as a result of stress or emotional and mental triggers, it can really cause a lot of physical harm. Adrenal fatigue is real, and it takes a very long time to rebalance those hormones!
Being able to discern how and why we’re experiencing our fear is so important, because when we can gain that context and perspective, we can perhaps limit these physiological responses to the circumstances when they are really, truly necessary. And then approach our emotional and mental healing without the interference of our fight or flight response.
There are real existential threats to human existence, and for some people real existential threats in their daily lives. I want to hold space for this reality, and also allow us to free up some of our own internal space by recognizing the difference between what we need to remain aware of and bring vigilance to in our physical lives, and where we can let go, release and transmute and heal in our emotional lives.
Sending you all lots of love and light,
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An Exercise to Overcome Fear, Oct. 25, 2017
Step 1: Write down my universal truths.
Step 2: Write down my fears. Shine light on them and banish them.
Step 3: Accept new way of being.
Step 4: Create. Keep doing.
Step 1: These are my universal truths:
Every soul, through its connection to Source, understands the universe in its own way. This life is my soul’s expression of its connection to Source.
Our souls are an expression of Universal Light — of Source. In this way, we are all god and god is us. In this way, we are all linked to every other living being — every cell and molecule, for it is all an expression of Universal Light and Source. Our own light recognizes light in others, and links us intrinsically.
“Otherness” is a construct of darkness and is used to separate us, cause strife and discordance and take us farther from our own connection to Universal Light/Source. (Note from my teacher: Uniqueness is different than otherness. Uniqueness is not a separating factor.)
Because we are all interconnected, the work we do to raise our vibrations and live in light brings about positive change to the whole world. When we bring light, the trees feel it, the flowers feel it, our animal friends feel it, and so to do all the people around us. We have the power to change our world for the better.
I can’t personally change who is president or how he, or the people around him, behave. (Note from 2020!: I’ve been realizing since Biden/Harris won the election last week how much emotional space was being taken up for the last four years by the fact of who was president and how he was behaving. A lot of that worry led me straight into this work, because I was asking myself what I could do to help, and how I could do it. This journal, and my spiritual work in general were the answers.) I can, however, live in harmony, embrace diversity as a beautiful expression of Source and a vehicle by which we have ways to express and share our own individual connections to Source. Cultures, religions — these things that make us “different” from each other are unique gifts by which we can communicate and share our own understandings of Universal Light and the human condition. In living this way, and sharing this way, we can neutralize the effects those who would have us be “other” from each other can have on this world.
This comes from a place of love. Love of Source, love of Creation and love of the connection and expression of Source that is each living thing.
This is how we change the world.
This is how we heal divisions and rifts. This is how we celebrate the miracle of our existence. Through love.
We must love ourselves, because the roots of hatred lie inside ourselves. When we see that which we abhor in ourselves reflected back at us in others, it triggers our own self-loathing. But rather than look at that, go into it and figure out how to neutralize it within ourselves, we express anger and violence toward others, as if we could squash that thing in ourselves by hating others.
The real remedy is to go within, look honestly at ourselves and neutralize, release and forgive any and all energies preventing us from truly and honestly loving ourselves. And the cycle of healing can continue.
We are all one.
Every living thing has an energy signature, which if you are in tune to it, can communicate. (Note from my teacher: Basically this statement is accurate, but everything is communicating constantly, we’re just not necessarily picking it up.)
Step 2: Face my fears:
I’m afraid of being unloved. I’m afraid of being unlovable.
I’m afraid of doing the wrong thing, of saying the wrong thing.
I’m kind of afraid of snakes, but that’s not actually relevant here.
I’m afraid of losing the people and animals I love — even though I believe they stay with us in our hearts … that we carry each other along with us through love and interconnectedness.
I’m afraid of not being good enough.
(These are sort of inconsistent because on other levels I don’t give a fuck what people think of me.)
I’m afraid of being rejected on a certain level.
I’m afraid of looking foolish on a certain level.
I’m afraid of being scoffed at, derided.
Step 2.1: Shining the Light on my fears
* Fear of being unloved/unloveable: Every living being is loved and is deserving of love. Love isn’t something you earn, it is a function of connection. It is a recognition of the light in others sparking the light in you. For example, you love Uncle Don (my great-uncle and the grandfather of my heart who I helped take care of during the years of this journal) 100 percent for who he is — well aware that he has faults. And he loves you 100 percent for who you am. Because you’re kindred spirits — your souls know and love each other on the deepest levels. Same with your mom. Same with Aunt Roe (my great-aunt and grandmother of my heart). Same with many others.
You have to acknowledge the light of your soul — and love yourself for who you TRULY are. Let that come through and release and dissolve and transmute all the other accumulated junk that’s been picked up along the way.
Clear the channels to bring the light of your soul through.
You are NOT unloved. And you are NOT unlovable. Quite the contrary. Now, let that truth, the energy of that truth flow through.
This is the root of your fear.
* Afraid of doing the wrong thing, saying the wrong thing: You don’t have control of the cosmos or the outcomes of the universe. You do have free will, and in that, you have control over how you behave, your attitudes and the choices you make. When you do your best in all things — work toward living in light always, raising the vibration always, evolving toward and in light always, there is no “wrong” thing.
The experiences you have are a part of the trajectory of your evolution. You act as catalyst for growth in others, as well.
Try not to run around creating more karma, but release and forgive the circumstances that snag you into loops of self-punishment. Acknowledge where and how you’ve grown — the lessons you’ve learned. And release those old energies into gratitude for the opportunities for growth.
This is Stuart the Snake, who lived under the door at acupuncture for a couple of years. He helped me overcome my fear of snakes, because it was impossible to be afraid of Stuart. He was too cute!
* Snakes: Snakes are a part of creation and are beautiful. Don’t be afraid of snakes.
* Losing people and animals: You are in the process of developing skills that will deepen your connection to all things. The deeper this connection, the more able you will be to accept loss in 3-D, and embrace the light of evolution and transcendence.
And the knowledge of connection through love and the heart will deepen through this process as well. These beings are never truly gone.
* Not being good enough: Well, who is? You are constantly learning and evolving and growing. So no, you’re not good “enough.” Keep striving to learn and grow and embrace the opportunities to deepen your understanding of the cosmic order of things. Evolve. Learn. Grow. In gratitude and love.
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Exercise: Begin each exercise by grounding and protecting. For more information on how, see this post.
Once you’re grounded, try out the exercise to overcome fear.
Step 1: Write down your universal truths
Step 2: Write down your fears. Shine light on them and banish them.
Step 3: Accept new way of being.
Step 4: Create. Keep doing.
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A brief note: This journal and its exercises are simply a means to help you find your own flow. There is no pressure to follow them exactly or read each and every one. It does not need to be read in order either, so if you miss one, don’t feel like you’ve failed or fallen behind. These messages are here to hold space for you as you discover and evolve within your spiritual practice.
This is the first volume of The Journal of the Spiritual Seeker, and I’m presenting it here on The Devic Connection website, serialized over the last 10 weeks of 2020, with weekly roundups via email (you can sign up in the box at the bottom of this page if you’d like to receive these.) If you’ve just arrived here and would like to start from the beginning, here’s the link to the first post.
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We all need help with clarity …
Sometimes, things come up in the healing journey that we can’t quite manage by ourselves. I’m fortunate to have people I can call on to help me gain that clarity. And I’m also in therapy, which helps immensely with processing the psychological and mental health issues. If you find yourself getting stuck on this journey or having something come up that you need some guidance on, please do seek help. An internet search can help you find a qualified mental health practitioner for those psychological issues. And if you’re looking for help from the Light on the spiritual questions, I have some availability for readings. (Read more about that here.)